Is Your Marketing Underwater?
Do you feel like you’re marketing is underwater? Or maybe it has already sunk. Perhaps you’re starting out and just don’t know where to go to get answers. Getting a business off the ground these days can be an overwhelming task.
Like me, you probably thought an online business would give you more time, more money and you could leave the 9 to 5 behind. It seems like the internet offers so much opportunity and it looks so profitable, until the frustration of getting no traction sets in. If you are worried about keeping your business afloat, then this message is for you. And here’s why… Most new online business owners don’t know who their potential customers are or what they need and they don’t know what motivates people to take action in the first place.
If you don’t know what motivates your target market to take action, then you might be slowly sinking.

If you feel like you’re standing out there in the middle of nowhere or you find yourself thinking the next new software is going to solve the problem, you’re not alone. It never is as easy as the gurus say it is.
Marketing isn’t sales, it is everything you do to lead up to the sale. It’s knowing where your potential customers are in the buying process. Are they unaware that they have a problem or are they considering a solution? If you’re lucky, they are ready to purchase your solution, but believe me, you could lose sleep trying to figure it all out!
I know this from experience. I spent so much time creating and posting videos and giving away free content. When that didn’t work, I tried paid advertising, but that was just a money pit and got me no closer to having a sustainable business online. Maybe my so-called friends were right, I wasn’t going to make it happen.

All the Work was Exhausting
Then I started researching. I realized I was on the right track by using video, but I had no clue as to what motivates someone to make the purchase. I also didn’t know my target market or what they needed at the time. Come to find out there’s a marketing trigger about that.
I was at a crossroads. Maybe you are too. I was so frustrated and I wanted to quit. Working 9 to 5 almost seemed easier, but then what? After a lot of procrastination and excuses I had for why it wouldn’t work, I decided to give it one more shot. This time I began with some basics under my belt. I needed to know: what motivates people to buy?

What Is It… That Motivates People To Take Action?
People take action when they need a solution or they have a desire for something. When you have the answer they are looking for and you can present it in a way that makes sense to them, you’ve got it made. Add a couple of marketing triggers to the mix and now you have a real shot at making that sale.

Introducing: Effective Marketing Triggersers

Marketing triggers are proven tactics that you can use to get off the hamster wheel and onto a more strategic plan for building your customer base.
Every business owner needs to know who their target market is, and how to attract and engage with them.
What This Is NOT!
This is not your run of the mill presentation. No black on white slides with a voice over droning on and on about the theory behind using psychological triggers in marketing.
What This IS!
This video course introduces the idea of using proven tactics in your marketing campaigns to make more sales. These videos incorporate spokespersons with personal stories, video footage, images and graphics, text, transitions, and animations to explain each trigger and give examples of how to use them. All the videos are short and to the point, making it easy for you to get and retain the knowledge and start using it.

Video is the perfect vehicle to deliver information. Besides being the #1 Marketing Tool, video takes advantage of the Sensory Neural Connection, making it easier to retain the material. You’ll be able to understand and implement this information in no time.
Everyone has a preferred learning style. Knowing your target market’s learning style gives you an advantage when it comes to presenting your offers. Most people are either visual or auditory learners, so it’s no wonder video is the top marketing choice.

These videos will give you more than enough ideas to get started making a change to your marketing plan and moving your business forward.

DID YOU KNOW that while there are numerous strategies for maximizing conversions, there’s one trigger that stands out above the rest? It is Urgency. Urgency is an incredibly powerful motivator and there are several different ways to use it in your marketing campaigns. One video in the course addresses urgency along with Scarcity, FOMO, and Objections.
When you get Effective Marketing Triggers today, you’ll get:

The Video Course
The videos present 38 techniques that are effective in getting people to take action. All the videos are short, making it easy for you to get the information, retain it and start using it in your marketing campaigns.

Cheat Sheet
The cheat sheet gives you a quick overview of each marketing tactic presented in the video course along with an explanation.

Workbook Action Guide
The workbook gives you an action guide to fill in the blanks, reinforcing what you learn and creating a plan on how and where to implement the marketing triggers.

Mind Map
The Mind Map gives you a simple visual outline of the video modules in the course and a short explanation of what each video is about and the elements used for its delivery.

You are 100% safe to try this out for 30 days and see for yourself. If you don’t learn some great techniques to use in your own marketing and you don’t think it’s worth the price you paid, then just let us know and you get a full refund, no questions asked. It’s as simple as that! You have nothing to lose.
Time to Decide
You could let this opportunity go… But, is that really what you want to do? Especially, since you have our guarantee. Or, you could take a new action, and get a new result. Finally, you can get the INFORMATION you need in an educational and entertaining format that will help you learn and retain the techniques.

This course is designed to give you practical, actionable strategies that you can apply to your own marketing campaigns right away, but it won’t be available for long.
Take advantage of this opportunity before it’s too late!
You don’t know what you don’t know and now it’s up to you!